u:=25;                        % 25 = 25bp = 25 PostScript points = 25/72 in
wi:=10;                       % width  in units u   
he:=9;                        % height in units u
hoehe:=he*u;                  % height
breite:=wi*u;                 % width
transform t, Pxy, Txy;
pair P[];
path p[];

P0=(3.2, 2.2)*u;              % origin in MetaPost coordinates (bp)
P1=(-.6, -.4)/1.5;            % x axis in mathematical coordinates

t:=identity                   % t: maps mathematical 2D coordinates 
     scaled u                 %    onto MetaPost coordinates (bp)
       shifted P0;

% Txy: maps 3D coordinates x,y onto 
%      MetaPost coordinates 
% Pxy is determined by  3  e q u a t i o n s  describing 
% how (1,0), (0,1), and (0,0) are mapped
   P1=(1,0)transformed Pxy;   % Pxy: (1,0) --> P1
(1,0)=(0,1)transformed Pxy;   %      (0,1) --> (1,0)
(0,0)=(0,0)transformed Pxy;   %      (0,0) --> (0,0)

Txy:=Pxy transformed t;       %      mathematical 2D coordinates --> MetaPost coordinates
vardef getPixel(expr SpaceVector) =               % returns MetaPost coordinates (bp)
  % SpaceVector: type ``color''                   % of spatial projection of
  (redpart SpaceVector, greenpart SpaceVector)    % 3D point 
    transformed Txy                               % with coordinates ``SpaceVector''
      shifted (0, u*bluepart SpaceVector)  

% --------------------------------- figure 1 ---------------------------------

  color viertelskreis_xy[], viertelskreis_yz[], viertelskreis_zx[], spirale[]; 
  for i=0 upto 9:
    viertelskreis_xy[i]:=(cosd 10i, sind 10i, 0);
    viertelskreis_yz[i]:=(0,        cosd 10i, sind 10i);
    viertelskreis_zx[i]:=(sind 10i, 0,        cosd 10i);
  for i=0 upto 360:
    spirale[i]:=(2cosd 10i, 2sind 10i, i/72);

  % --- Fill halfcircles --- 
  fill getPixel(5(viertelskreis_xy0)) 
    for i=1 upto 9: ..getPixel(5(viertelskreis_xy[i])) endfor 
    withcolor (.8, .8, 1);    
  fill getPixel(5(viertelskreis_yz0))
    for i=1 upto 9: ..getPixel(5(viertelskreis_yz[i])) endfor 
    withcolor (.9, .9, 1) ;    
  fill getPixel(5(viertelskreis_zx0))
    for i=1 upto 9: ..getPixel(5(viertelskreis_zx[i])) endfor 
    withcolor (.6, .6, 1);
  % --- Grid ---
    color gr;
    for i=0 upto 5:    
      draw getPixel((i,0,0))--getPixel((i,5,0)) withcolor gr;     
      draw getPixel((0,i,0))--getPixel((5,i,0)) withcolor gr;    
      draw getPixel((0,i,0))--getPixel((0,i,5)) withcolor gr;
      draw getPixel((0,0,i))--getPixel((0,5,i)) withcolor gr;    
      draw getPixel((0,0,i))--getPixel((5,0,i)) withcolor gr;
      draw getPixel((i,0,0))--getPixel((i,0,5)) withcolor gr;
  % --- End Grid ---
  % --- Frame ---
  draw (0, 0)--(breite, 0)--(breite, hoehe)--(0, hoehe)--cycle;
  % --- Axes ---
  drawarrow getPixel((0, 0, 0))--getPixel((6, 0, 0)); 
  label.llft(btex $x$ etex, getPixel((6, 0, 0))+(0, 1mm));  
  drawarrow getPixel((0, 0, 0))--getPixel((0, 6, 0)); 
  label.rt  (btex $y$ etex, getPixel((0, 6, 0)));  
  drawarrow getPixel((0, 0, 0))--getPixel((0, 0, 6)); (btex $z$ etex, getPixel((0, 0, 6)));  
  % --- Draw spiral ---
  color sp;
  for i=0 upto 359:
    fill getPixel((0, 0, bluepart spirale[i]))--getPixel(spirale[i])
      --getPixel(spirale[i+1])--cycle withcolor sp;
    if i=0:
      draw getPixel(spirale[i])--getPixel((0, 0, 0)) ; 
    draw getPixel(spirale[i])--getPixel(spirale[i+1]) ; 

% --------------------------------- end of figure 1 ---------------------------------
